다음은 영국 농장동물복지단체 CIWF로부터의 영문레터입니다. 내년부터 유럽에서 공장식축산의 중대한 변화가 시작됩니다.
2013년 1월 1일 EU에서 어미돼지 스톨 급지법이 시작됩니다. 17개국 1300만의 돼지들이 생애 대부분의 시간을 작은 금속 스톨 안에서가 아니라 무리지어 살아갈 수 있게 되는 것입니다. 하지만 10여개 국가의 농민들이 이 금지법에 저항하고 있습니다. 이 국가들의 농업부 장관에게 압력을 행사해야 합니다.
At the start of this year just seven countries were expected to comply with the sow stall ban on time. Due in no small part to your letters and emails, this figure is now officially up to seventeen**. But sadly, as you may know, there are still a number of farmers across Europe who have not taken action to comply with the ban. Despite having had twelve years to change over their systems, at least ten nations contain farms that will soon be breaking the law.
Urgent: Just one month left to avoid legal actionWe urgently need your help to tackle this deplorable situation. We have prepared a final warning message to the agriculture ministers of nations set to be in breach of the ban. They need to know that you find it unacceptable to keep sows illegally in small cages for months on end.
It is vital these governments hear tens of thousands of voices demanding action. With just one month to go until the ban, they need to put plans in place to ensure urgent and full compliance with the ban. No sow should have to continue to suffer in cages and delays and excuses are simply unacceptable.
Thank you for your continuing support.
Yours sincerely,
PS Thank you to everyone who took part in our recent action asking the pig industry in France to comply on time with the sow stall ban. The meeting between the Pig Producers and the French Government has now taken place. We received an overwhelming response, with over 21,000 of you taking part. We are pleased to report some of our key targets have already been back in touch with us regarding the ban – a huge step forward. Thank you.
* The total sow population for the EU was calculated as being 13.5 million in December 2010. Recent estimates suggest that around 5 million may still be in stalls.
**The EU Commission report that 17 member states will comply on time with the sow stall ban by January 1st 2013. This leaves 10 non-compliant nations. These are thought to be Italy, Poland, Cyprus, Finland, Austria, Spain, Greece, Slovenia, France and Portugal. |
2013년 유럽 모돈스톨금지 카운트다운
- 카라
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- 2012-11-30 09:13
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