배우 지창욱님의 생일을 맞이하여 팬클럽 JCW Support Latín América에서 후원해주셨습니다

  • 카라
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  • 2022-07-05 07:05
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  • 926

July 5 is the 35th birthday of actor Ji Chang Wook, the boy with the most beautiful smile.
Ji Chang Wook loves nature and animals and following his example, his fans in Latin America have joined this protection sponsorship and help those cute and innocent animals that are experiencing a difficult situation. To make this birthday of our actor more significant, we want to bring a little love and warmth through this sponsorship for those beautiful beings of light of this Kara refuge.
We will always support our actor and all of KARA's activities!
Thank you very much for the beautiful work you do!
Congratulations on Ji Chang Wook's 35th birthday!
A friendly greeting from:
JCW Support Latin America - Fan club

배우 지창욱님의 생일을 맞이하여 팬클럽 JCW Support Latin America 에서 후원해주셨습니

지창욱님의 생일을 진심으로 축하드립니다:) 동물과 자연을 사랑하는 지창욱님의 마음을 따라 위기에 처한 동물들을 위한 도움의 손길에 동참하신다는

따뜻한 메시지도 함께 전해주셨습니다 진심으로 감사드립니다

선한 영향력과 함께 전달해주신 마음, 위기에 처한 동물들을 위한 활동에 소중히 사용하겠습니다


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