Kangy was born in and rescued from a densely packed pile of trash. There were four puppies in total. Two died, one was adopted, and at five years old, Kangy has still not met his forever family.
He is astoundingly clever and incredibly sensitive to a person's feelings and mood changes, to the point that it sometimes feels like he can read your mind. Bright and cheerful, Kangy loves going on walks and is also house trained (uses puppy pee pads). But when he’s around other dogs, he occasionally marks his territory in corners or on blankets.
Because he is clever and sensitive to his surroundings, Kangy can get stressed. Please be a forever family for the smart Kangy.
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Meet Nokdu, a rescue from a dog meat farm.
She was rescued when she was a one-month-old puppy. Her mother had had a litter of 8 and raised her pups in a frightening environment where they could have been killed at any moment. Fortunately, Nokdu was rescued along with all of the other dogs at the farm.
In Korea, Jindos or Jindo mixes are sold as dog meat. Jindos are often misunderstood to be ferocious in nature, but Nokdu is mild-mannered and playful.
Nokdu loves walks and gets along well even with little dogs... Please be her forever family.
Ricky was born in a struggling private shelter and was adopted out as a puppy through an adoption campaign. But his newfound family returned him with the excuse that he pooped too much.
Being afraid of people is a characteristic of many a shelter-born pup, but Ricky is the opposite?he loves being around people. He’s affectionate, gets along well with other animals, and is house-trained
There once was a puppy that wandered around a village in Gapyeong, without knowing the difference between street and sidewalk. He could easily have been hit by a car and there were several attempts to rescue him. It wasn’t easy though because he was wary of people. Once he was eventually rescued, though, he realized that he was actually a gentle, good puppy. His eyes were full of eyeworms, and it seemed that he hadn't had a home for months.
With his bright and cheerful personality, Mark was adopted by an elderly couple. But the couple succumbed to dementia and were sent to a nursing hospital, and Mark lost his family. Please be family to the sad little Mark.
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Bama was abandoned in a shelter after a car accident left him with bone fractures. Fortunately, the fractures didn't affect any major nerves, so he can walk, but he is handicapped when it comes to his bowel movements?he can't control them. He has been wearing a manner belt that collects his urine, and he defecates about twice a day.
He loves to go on walks and is very insistent that he determines each day's route. Mild-mannered and calm, he gets along well with other animals, but can get agitated around hyperactive or noisy dogs. This Bama is looking for his forever family.
Bori is Nokdu's sister and was also rescued from the dog meat farm. She was rescued when she was a one month old puppy.
Her mother had had a litter of 8 and raised her pups in a frightening environment where they could have been eaten at any moment. Fortunately, Nokdu was rescued along with all of the other dogs at the farm and was able to live. In Korea, Jindos or Jindo mixes are sold as dog meat.
It's hard not to feel sorry for Bori, who loves people an unusual amount and seems to crave their love. Please be Bori's forever family.
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Bidam was born at KARA after his pregnant mother was moved there from a struggling private shelter. His siblings have all been adopted but the especially golden Bidam has yet to find a home.
He’s gentle and mild-mannered and tends to sleep during the day and be active at night. We don't know how he became such a night owl, but the Areumpoom caretakers are trying to help him stay awake during the day. We're looking for a forever home for Bidam.
Haddy was born in a shelter four years ago and has been living at Areumpoom ever since. It's been sad to watch the little guy as he sees others get adopted, leaving him behind. Haddy is gentle and gets very nervous when he goes out for walks alone, but he loves going out with other dogs.
We feel especially urgent about Haddy's adoption as he seems to be slightly depressed. Please be Haddy's forever family.